Monday, September 07, 2009

Locked Away For So Long

OK, so this is the third morning that I've gone to bed when I should have been getting up! I've also been away from all my friends (online and off), spending most of my waking hours updating my websites, writing articles and preparing to do a big promotional push of my poetry books. I'm exhausted today. I'm not as young as I used to be. So here it is, Labour Day, and all the little kiddies will be returning to school for their first day tomorrow. I supposed I should get to bed early tonight....yeah right!

My plans for today will get me away from this computer and into a neighbourhood park, where my daughter and I have planned to carry our easels to do some painting. She had to call to wake me up, but I reminded her of our painting date. It's a little overcast here, so I'm really hoping that it doesn't rain. I'm a little behind in my schedule, too, as a friend called to talk to me about a dream she had last night. We both got so excited about the details of it, the symbols in it and what they could possibly mean for her, that a couple of hours passed without our notice. Well, it seems I'm her dream, yeah we laughed about that too. She's the expert when it comes to numerology and astrology, tarot and runes; I guess I'm the expert when it comes to dreams.

...gotta run...daughter's on her way over and I'm not dressed...

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