Monday, January 17, 2005

I Hate Being Lied To

I hate being lied to, especially in matters of the heart. I hate when a man misrepresents himself. I hate when he tells me that he loves me when he knows he doesn't. And the words "I love you" were only used to mean "I want something from you, and I'm going to be smooth and slick to get it". 

A Lover's Lie

I should have seen the end of this,
Before I played my part.
I would have turned away the kiss
That took my heart.

I should have weighed more carefully
The words that you had spun,
And thus, this lie would certainly
Not have begun.

If I'd been careful at the start
Your cunning ploy to know,
I shouldn't have allowed my heart
To love you so.

Read more poems about love by JMariah

Friday, January 14, 2005


I am abandoned! Once again I am alone! Again I have poured out my heart in an attempt to love and receive love, only to find that it doesn’t last! That no matter how much I allow myself to let go of the past and move on, it ends! No matter how wide I open myself or how vulnerable I allow myself to be for the sake of loving so completely, my emotions are still toyed with, my love abused - mercilessly ripped out of my unsuspecting heart - and I am left abandoned! Alone! I really and truly must be unlovable! And I can’t even cry about it any more!

Well ok, maybe just this once!

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Can't Smile

I am crushed between the unfriendly dying of evening and the constant blackness of night. I can't feel you, and I'm cold.

Yesterday's love making lingers in words scribbled on a page. My own breathing fills the room with a heaviness that erases fingerprints from my skin, mouth burns from my lips.

I can't see you. I can't hear you. And I can't smile any more.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Trust Me

I’m standing here on this rock yelling into the wind, begging for more than just the sound of my own echo humming back to me in my loneliness.

“Trust me.” I keep hearing you say, “Trust me.” And from far deep inside me, in that somewhere that hasn’t been reached in such a very long time, tears rise. And the place where smiles once warmed me sinks desperately under water.

The hollow swishing against my ear drums repels the sounds your tongue utters as your lips cunningly form around the words again, “Trust me”, like a crocodile saying “bite me”.

And I’m trapped between the love you say you have for me and the disdain by which you keep me beyond arms length. And it must be beyond arms length, because I reach out to touch you, only to embrace empty air – empty, stale air.

And no amount of tears will drive you to take back the actions you have set in motion against me. No amount of pleading will turn your heart around. So in the heavy dark of night, I bite my lip and defy the salt that threatens to sting my eyes, close my hands tightly over my ears to shut out the only words you smile at me – as you look down from your lofty position above me, pleased with the hold you have on me – trust me.

Monday, January 03, 2005

Silent Words

Words don’t reach their full potential when they are kept inside; when they swirl around in the mind like the smoke that goes before the lava in a mountain, only to be brutally silenced by someone else’s inability or lack of desire to listen, and therefore to possibly understand. Instead, they sit and grow cold in the swill of cooling passions or fester like pungent fungus in the still and quiet waters of the mind.

I heard once that words were thoughts, thoughts were power, and the pen is mightier than the sword. Too often we try to silence the power of others by silencing their thoughts. We cut them off in mid-sentence, overlapping their thoughts with ones of our own, as if our words were more potent, our thoughts more powerful. And we don’t even notice when the person silenced withdraws into himself, feeling powerless. We don’t notice that he quietly trades his tongue for the pen as his only outlet for the words that run around inside him, deciphering the silent state of his own mind. So we never find out where those words were coming from or where we could have taken them. We just don’t listen.

I’m alone with my silent words, that inside do no one any good but myself. And even for me they are a curse, because they are the fragments of my soul that I need to share with others. But others don’t seem to want them. Sometimes I encounter those who will graciously take the words I have to offer, smile, and feign acceptance. But later, I find those same words in trash bins under soggy bits of lettuce and used tea bags, or pushed to the back of a fridge behind the box of open baking soda that soaks all the flavour out of them.

And no one seems to notice, as I withdraw into myself, that I have touched the tip of my ball point pen to the tip of my tongue. They just tell me that it isn’t good to keep everything bottled up inside and pretend to coax more words out of me. But the words remain – silent.