Sunday, July 04, 2004


I thought the fear that was keeping me from writing was either the fear of failure or success. But now I really don't think so. I've known the pleasure of having my work accepted and published and the disappointment of having it rejected.

But this fear is of a more basic kind, more damaging, because it is preventing me from writing at all. This fear is the one that makes me run away from my feelings, that keeps me from staring them square in the eyes and identifying them. Without this honest connection to myself, my writing has become superficial and dull.

In order to write poems that are emotionally moving, I have in the past had to feel the emotions myself while I'm writing them. Without this ability to jump into my poems, they become mere words on a page.

So now I write in the hopes that my own words will spark my muse and once again jump start my heart.

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